Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto has come a long way since it was an addictive top-down hit-and-run simulator from 1997. 10 years later, GTA IV resembles very little of the original but has also become one of the ultimate sandbox games on the market. For those unclear on the term, a sandbox game is one where you are basically free to do anything. In Grand Theft Auto, nothing is really forcing you to follow the main story and it's missions. You can make your own fun simply driving about and exploring the world around you.
I enjoyed Grand Theft Auto 1, but didn't get very far in it. I played a ton of GTA3, the first 3D game in the series, but never became very attached to it's story or the city. It really was just hours of blowing up cars and getting into high-speed chases. I skipped the next couple, though I heard great things about GTA: San Andreas, and didn't get into another Grand Theft Auto game until IV was released.

The first title in the series to show up on the current generation of consoles, (well, now the previous generation) Grand Theft Auto IV was a spectacular jump up graphically. The game engine is incredible and the results are a city that looks gorgeous, especially when the sun is setting over the water, car driving that is an absolute blast not to mention driving a boat, motorcycle and a helicopter, and some pretty incredible multiplayer. There is an online mode where you have to race against your opponent from one point to the other on the map, by any means necessary.
Grand Theft Auto IV stood out in particular for me more than any others in the series but it wasn't because of anything I listed above. There are many other great sandbox games out there that also look and play incredibly, but what made GTAIV so great was that I was actually drawn into the main story and it's missions for once. Although I still have never completed the whole game, I actually played through much much more of this storyline than in any other GTA title released. The characters were interesting, well acted and well animated. The story drew you in and forced you to explore the world around you.
I consider GTA IV to be a real accomplishment. It's a vivid, living city that feels much more serious that it's satirical facade. It's the kind of game that you can spend hours upon hours in without actually touching the primary game and simply enjoy the world that Rockstar built for your entertainment. With how much I loved GTA IV, I'm surprised I didn't jump on GTA V right away after it was released this past year, (Or was it last year?) I suppose I just had too many games on the go at the time. I really should get around to it though. Or at least finishing playing GTA IV, that would be a good idea too.
I enjoyed Grand Theft Auto 1, but didn't get very far in it. I played a ton of GTA3, the first 3D game in the series, but never became very attached to it's story or the city. It really was just hours of blowing up cars and getting into high-speed chases. I skipped the next couple, though I heard great things about GTA: San Andreas, and didn't get into another Grand Theft Auto game until IV was released.

The first title in the series to show up on the current generation of consoles, (well, now the previous generation) Grand Theft Auto IV was a spectacular jump up graphically. The game engine is incredible and the results are a city that looks gorgeous, especially when the sun is setting over the water, car driving that is an absolute blast not to mention driving a boat, motorcycle and a helicopter, and some pretty incredible multiplayer. There is an online mode where you have to race against your opponent from one point to the other on the map, by any means necessary.
Grand Theft Auto IV stood out in particular for me more than any others in the series but it wasn't because of anything I listed above. There are many other great sandbox games out there that also look and play incredibly, but what made GTAIV so great was that I was actually drawn into the main story and it's missions for once. Although I still have never completed the whole game, I actually played through much much more of this storyline than in any other GTA title released. The characters were interesting, well acted and well animated. The story drew you in and forced you to explore the world around you.
I consider GTA IV to be a real accomplishment. It's a vivid, living city that feels much more serious that it's satirical facade. It's the kind of game that you can spend hours upon hours in without actually touching the primary game and simply enjoy the world that Rockstar built for your entertainment. With how much I loved GTA IV, I'm surprised I didn't jump on GTA V right away after it was released this past year, (Or was it last year?) I suppose I just had too many games on the go at the time. I really should get around to it though. Or at least finishing playing GTA IV, that would be a good idea too.
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