DAY 41 / GAME 41
Mass Effect
Mass Effect is one of those brilliant western action RPGs that exist in so few numbers. I remember when it first came out, I was instantly sold by the trailer. It seems to me that Mass Effect took a little while to actually gain popularity. I remember at first having to really explain what was so amazing about the game to everyone, trying to get someone else to play it so I could have someone else to talk to about this incredible game. I gave up for a bit and that's when suddenly everyone started into it. So of course, I had to go back and start it again since I had forgotten so much of the story.
Mass Effect was particularly brilliant. Like a lot of RPGs it's an almost dauntingly large game. It's no Oblivion, but the amount of content in this game is outstanding. The sheer number of different characters you run into, each with his/her/it's own backstory. Bioware put an inordinate amount work into explaining the tech behind the universe; you can spend hours reading their codex on anything from how their weapons work to their explanation on a ship's heat signature, to their idea of faster than light travel. Each planet you encounter has a lengthy description and the wide range of alien species are vast and diverse. Mass Effect may be my favorite science fiction universe since Star Wars, with Dead Space rolling up as a close second.
The first installment had this great subplot, you see, while you were busy trying to stop a rogue Spectre and his evil plot; you were also dealing with this future issue of racism. So there was this great element you could take part in by either commanding without respect your alien crew across the galaxy, or defend your choice to work with a myriad of races in an attempt to unlock the secrets of the universe. (Wow, that was a mouthfull.) There was so much going on in Mass Effect, all these great little stories and characters that come together in the end and as part of the larger trilogy story.
Mass Effect offers some of the most complex and charming relationships. I attended a retrospective panel at PAX East in 2013 hosted by various staff from Bioware, I can honestly say that I got at least the littlest bit choked up during that presentation and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. The thing with the writing and the design of a game like Mass Effect is that even more than any movie or book or play, there is some serious emotional investment in the characters on the player's part and it only gets better with the subsequent titles.
Put all that aside, all that that would make a perfect game in simply one element, then add an absolutely incredible soundtrack, amazing, unique architecture and tech design. A wide variety of well thought out alien creature designs and gorgeous, memorable environments. I can honestly say that Mass Effect is one of my all-time favorite games. I'm talking, top-ten favorites. I adore it and I adore the expansive world they created.
Mass Effect

Mass Effect was particularly brilliant. Like a lot of RPGs it's an almost dauntingly large game. It's no Oblivion, but the amount of content in this game is outstanding. The sheer number of different characters you run into, each with his/her/it's own backstory. Bioware put an inordinate amount work into explaining the tech behind the universe; you can spend hours reading their codex on anything from how their weapons work to their explanation on a ship's heat signature, to their idea of faster than light travel. Each planet you encounter has a lengthy description and the wide range of alien species are vast and diverse. Mass Effect may be my favorite science fiction universe since Star Wars, with Dead Space rolling up as a close second.
The first installment had this great subplot, you see, while you were busy trying to stop a rogue Spectre and his evil plot; you were also dealing with this future issue of racism. So there was this great element you could take part in by either commanding without respect your alien crew across the galaxy, or defend your choice to work with a myriad of races in an attempt to unlock the secrets of the universe. (Wow, that was a mouthfull.) There was so much going on in Mass Effect, all these great little stories and characters that come together in the end and as part of the larger trilogy story.
Mass Effect offers some of the most complex and charming relationships. I attended a retrospective panel at PAX East in 2013 hosted by various staff from Bioware, I can honestly say that I got at least the littlest bit choked up during that presentation and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. The thing with the writing and the design of a game like Mass Effect is that even more than any movie or book or play, there is some serious emotional investment in the characters on the player's part and it only gets better with the subsequent titles.
Put all that aside, all that that would make a perfect game in simply one element, then add an absolutely incredible soundtrack, amazing, unique architecture and tech design. A wide variety of well thought out alien creature designs and gorgeous, memorable environments. I can honestly say that Mass Effect is one of my all-time favorite games. I'm talking, top-ten favorites. I adore it and I adore the expansive world they created.
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