DAY 93 / GAME 93
Golden Axe
Back when I was very young, my brother and I used to spend weekends with my Dad which were often spent at my Grandmother's house. Since my Aunts and Uncles were all local to Toronto, we'd usually spend time with the lot of them during these weekends. One day my grandmother told me that my uncle was coming over and that he was bringing a game with him.
Now, when she said 'game' I had no idea she meant his Sega. I figured she meant some board game or something that was in the very least not electronic. So when he showed up and hooked up his Sega Genesis we were pretty excited. I think up until that point we hadn't had much experience with video games. We may have seen an NES here or there and we may have had our home PC at that point, but I don't remember for sure. Either way it was pretty monumental. I think it was one of the early models, he had it modified so it would accept import cartridges and it was before the days of Sonic the Hedgehog, so I that would put me at about 10 years old if not younger.
One of the very first games I had the chance to try on his Sega (if I remember correctly) was Golden Axe. Doing what Sega did best at the time, this was a port of the very same arcade title and a good one at that. Golden Axe was a hack-and-slash side scroller which gave you control of a Dwarf, Barbarian or Amazon (standard fantasy fare) as you fought your way across the land in order to defeat the tyrannical Death Adder. Each character has a combination of physical attacks and a series of magical attacks that build up as you collect magical vials.
I remember having a blast playing this game. It's up to two players co-op, so my brother and I both got a chance to play at once. I think I've always picked the dwarf for some reason, but I remember once picking the amazon and being questioned by my grandfather. He asked 'why would I want to play as a girl?' Which boggled my mind at the time, I just told him she was cool, like the other two characters.
Golden Axe is a classic title. It was exactly what you'd expect of Sega at the time; a gritty, solid brawler action that you'd find in the arcade. It's got the same feel as other Sega classics like Altered Beast and Streets of Rage. It rocks an incredible soundtrack that I'd love to see covered by a metal band. I think I've got like 4 or 5 copies. On my PC, xbox 360, Sega CD, 3DS and so on. I still break this one out, 25 years later and give it a go. It's just plain fun. You can't go wrong trudging through a 16-bit fantasy landscape, cracking your axe against the skulls of giant henchmen, riding beast of battle and raining magical doom on your enemies with ethereal fireballs. Also, how cool is it that you fight across the back of a giant turtle. Very.
Golden Axe

Now, when she said 'game' I had no idea she meant his Sega. I figured she meant some board game or something that was in the very least not electronic. So when he showed up and hooked up his Sega Genesis we were pretty excited. I think up until that point we hadn't had much experience with video games. We may have seen an NES here or there and we may have had our home PC at that point, but I don't remember for sure. Either way it was pretty monumental. I think it was one of the early models, he had it modified so it would accept import cartridges and it was before the days of Sonic the Hedgehog, so I that would put me at about 10 years old if not younger.

Played this to death at that time...