Final Fantasy VII
I feel as if there are a certain group of people, like myself, who's first introduction to the world of Final Fantasy was with the much different take on the already-aged property, released for the PlayStation in 1997. Trouble is of course, that there never was another Final Fantasy game quite like it, nor was there one before it and so if it was the one title that hooked you into the series, you may have walked away disappointed.
I remember I hadn't heard of the series at all until my brother was trying to make a decision between purchasing this and one other PS1 title. FFVII was reviewed as offering a considerable of hours worth of gameplay and so at a time where both of us were trying to get our 'money's worth' it seemed that Final Fantasy was the obvious choice.
Final Fantasy VII was an interesting game for me. Whereas there were a number of titles that were primarily played by my brother while I simply watched, most of those I eventually got around to playing for myself. But with Final Fantasy I'm fairly certain I have never played it for even a second. I've watched my brother play countless hours of this game and enjoyed it immensely and yet I've never gotten around to experiencing it on my own terms. Which also means I've only ever seen bits and pieces of the entire game. Since it's such a long game I've simply gotten a very shattered idea of the entire story and it's extensive characters.

Final Fantasy VII captured my attention so well with it's incredible steam-punk atmosphere. It's fantastic pre-rendered video cutscenes, which were gorgeous and seemingly advanced at the time, it's beautiful pre-rendered background and it's incredible soundtrack. FFVII was simply unlike anything I'd ever seen before and really unlike anything I've seen to date. It was yet another game that was released at just the right time and inspired me to pursue a career in computer based art and animation. Even though I took a slight detour, this certainly drilled a hole in my brain where all kinds of other great 3D animations sat and dwelled and pushed me to spend my spare time during high-school tinkering in TrueSpace and 3D Max to try and replicate some of the stuff I saw.
So in the end, I may not have actually played Final Fantasy VII, but I felt like I experienced a nice chunk of it. And even thought it was only a portion of the whole game, it was potent enough to stick with me for years, inspire me and even started me playing some of the other games in the series. Though I haven't successfully played many aside from Final Fantasy Online.

I remember I hadn't heard of the series at all until my brother was trying to make a decision between purchasing this and one other PS1 title. FFVII was reviewed as offering a considerable of hours worth of gameplay and so at a time where both of us were trying to get our 'money's worth' it seemed that Final Fantasy was the obvious choice.

Final Fantasy VII captured my attention so well with it's incredible steam-punk atmosphere. It's fantastic pre-rendered video cutscenes, which were gorgeous and seemingly advanced at the time, it's beautiful pre-rendered background and it's incredible soundtrack. FFVII was simply unlike anything I'd ever seen before and really unlike anything I've seen to date. It was yet another game that was released at just the right time and inspired me to pursue a career in computer based art and animation. Even though I took a slight detour, this certainly drilled a hole in my brain where all kinds of other great 3D animations sat and dwelled and pushed me to spend my spare time during high-school tinkering in TrueSpace and 3D Max to try and replicate some of the stuff I saw.
So in the end, I may not have actually played Final Fantasy VII, but I felt like I experienced a nice chunk of it. And even thought it was only a portion of the whole game, it was potent enough to stick with me for years, inspire me and even started me playing some of the other games in the series. Though I haven't successfully played many aside from Final Fantasy Online.
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