DAY 129 / GAME 129
Rambo III
I've never actually seen a Rambo movie, ever. But my uncle had this game for the Sega Genesis and I played the crap out of it. I have no idea what the movie is about, but if it's anything like this game, Sylvester Stalone knifes a ton of dudes, saves some army guy from a prison and blows up tanks and helicopters with his bow and arrow; after he makes sure to tie on his bandana.
Rambo III was a pretty solid game from the 'pre-Sonic' era. So far as I remembered when I was a kid, until Sonic the Hedgehog was released, the Sega and the Sega Genesis seemed a little more low-key. My uncle had a Sega Master system and a Sega Genesis when they were first released. He had it modded so that it would play imported Japanese games as well as the small number of North American releases that were out at the time. So there were a few games I had played before the Sega really took off in my household.
Rambo III was one of these older games I spent a ton playing when I had the opportunity to. It was a isometric top-down shooter where you control John Rambo as you gun your way through enemy lines and rescue Rutger Hauer as instructed by Red from That 70's Show. Though, when I was playing this at the time I had no idea who these actors were and they just seemed random enough to me.
There are about 6 levels in this game, a few of them have a mini-game at the end where you get to blow up a tank or a Hind-D helicopter using your longbow from an over-the-shoulder perspective.
Rambo was pretty tough, at least at the time it was. I haven't played it for well over a decade if not two. I never did make it to the very end; the furthest I remember getting in this game was probably just after the second level or so. This is the one where you enter the prison and rescue your old colonel buddy. If I remember correctly, you could only take about a hit or two before dying, combined with the number of those 16-bit style ball-bearing bullets flying around the screen this game could get pretty frustrating. But I could probably blow through the whole game pretty quickly if I gave it a try again now.
For a 16-bit game from '89 it looked pretty awesome. They tossed in a bunch of captures from the movie which looked pretty good. It had a pretty decent soundtrack and most of the audio was ok, though a lot of the sound FX are pretty dated and could have sounded better.
I had a blast with this game, it was pretty straightforward and fun to play right from the start. It really fits into that category of games that I played before I really got into games, but really stuck with me to this day.
Rambo III

Rambo III was a pretty solid game from the 'pre-Sonic' era. So far as I remembered when I was a kid, until Sonic the Hedgehog was released, the Sega and the Sega Genesis seemed a little more low-key. My uncle had a Sega Master system and a Sega Genesis when they were first released. He had it modded so that it would play imported Japanese games as well as the small number of North American releases that were out at the time. So there were a few games I had played before the Sega really took off in my household.

There are about 6 levels in this game, a few of them have a mini-game at the end where you get to blow up a tank or a Hind-D helicopter using your longbow from an over-the-shoulder perspective.

I had a blast with this game, it was pretty straightforward and fun to play right from the start. It really fits into that category of games that I played before I really got into games, but really stuck with me to this day.
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