Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
There are few games created by famous animators and even fewer games created by Canadian born FX animators who studied locally at Sheridan College. Back in 2011 Michel Gagné finally released on Xbox Live Arcade his 2D shooter/platformer Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet which he had been teasing us with for years prior. Michel Gagné, who may very well be one of the most skilled classical FX animators currently working, has provided us with beautiful animation on movies like the Iron Giant, the Land Before Time, Lilo and Stitch and Osmosis Jones. So needless to say, when he decided to create a video game, he made sure to full it to the brim with incredibly fluid and beautiful animation.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is a familiar 'metroidvania' style game where you have access to one large map, sections of which are blocked off until you find that upgrade that allows you to pass. In this case, you are in control of a saucer style UFO that can float gravity-free through the twisted corridors of this spectacularly unique 'shadow planet'. You use the twin-analog sticks to control flight path and aiming as you use your one robotic arm and it's many different upgrades to grab, shoot, saw and electrocute your way about.
Everything in this game is beautiful to look at. The design choices are clean and sharp with a slick contrast created by putting the foreground into a 'shadow' leaving the background full of colour and highlighting elements of the foreground with glowy rich lighting. This design choice also creates a strong focus on the beautiful silhouettes of the very active world surrounding you and the characters within. Long tentacles and razor sharp claws reach out at you from all angles and all kinds of crawly, floaty and creepy creatures try their best to impede your progress as you attempt to stop the Shadow Planet from destroying your homeworld.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is simply a work of art from an incredible artist. For me as a classical FX animator myself, it's particularly inspiring to see animation and designs of this quality becoming the focus of a videogame. Not only would I love to see more of it, I'd love to be a part of it.
At only $15 typically, I highly recommend it to most everyone. Available on PC and consoles, it's a very easy game to get into and enjoy for both it's puzzles and it's visuals. I can only hope that it's success means we may see another game from Michel Gagné in the future.

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is a familiar 'metroidvania' style game where you have access to one large map, sections of which are blocked off until you find that upgrade that allows you to pass. In this case, you are in control of a saucer style UFO that can float gravity-free through the twisted corridors of this spectacularly unique 'shadow planet'. You use the twin-analog sticks to control flight path and aiming as you use your one robotic arm and it's many different upgrades to grab, shoot, saw and electrocute your way about.
Everything in this game is beautiful to look at. The design choices are clean and sharp with a slick contrast created by putting the foreground into a 'shadow' leaving the background full of colour and highlighting elements of the foreground with glowy rich lighting. This design choice also creates a strong focus on the beautiful silhouettes of the very active world surrounding you and the characters within. Long tentacles and razor sharp claws reach out at you from all angles and all kinds of crawly, floaty and creepy creatures try their best to impede your progress as you attempt to stop the Shadow Planet from destroying your homeworld.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is simply a work of art from an incredible artist. For me as a classical FX animator myself, it's particularly inspiring to see animation and designs of this quality becoming the focus of a videogame. Not only would I love to see more of it, I'd love to be a part of it.
At only $15 typically, I highly recommend it to most everyone. Available on PC and consoles, it's a very easy game to get into and enjoy for both it's puzzles and it's visuals. I can only hope that it's success means we may see another game from Michel Gagné in the future.
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