GoldenEye (Nintendo 64)

Developed by Rare in '97 and based directly on the James Bond film from '95, GoldenEye seemed exceptional at the time on various levels. I remember first seeing it when a few of us popped by my old friend Mike's house. (The same house we would end up spending most of our spare time group gaming at.) I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who was blown away by the graphics at the time. What looked like photos of the actors mapped onto the game models made all the characters quite recognizable and all the levels featured familiar set pieces from the the movie. Single player was great, and with all the unlockables it had tons of replay value. But the true appeal of this game, something that Rare did so well, was some of the best FPS multiplayer, perhaps of all time. I can't recall how long this was the game of choice for us, but I'm sure it was a good while. I'm also pretty sure none of us never lost our twitch-response from this game, forever embedded in our muscle memory. And if we picked this game back up today, it would be like we never put it down.
Here's to good times and crazy controller designs.
*(I had originally posted 64-it console generation, but was corrected as the 5th generation consoles weren't all 64-bit)
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